Safe Send
Secure Document Exchange

Kenny & Kenny uses the Safe Send Suite to ensure secure communications between us and our clients.
Please use our Safe Send link below to send tax information securely to Kenny & Kenny.
Tax documents sent as an attachment will not be accepted due to our company's updated online security policy.
Helpful Tips as You Complete Your Gather Request
If you need a refresher on how to complete your Gather Request, this video takes you through the process step-by-step.
Watch Gather VideoEngagement Letter - If married filing jointly we need both signatures on the Engagement Letter. Once the first spouse signs, the system will then allow the other to sign.
Questionnaire - please complete this carefully because once this portion is complete you will not be able to go back and change your answers without calling us to reopen your Organizer. Always happy to do it, but we don't want you to get frustrated!
Organizer - remember you can complete your Organizer and then return to upload documents.
Document Upload - you can upload documents as you receive them, and then click Save & Close.
When you are done uploading all of your documents, you can click Finish to indicate to the system that you have completed the process, and it is time for Kenny & Kenny to download and begin processing your return.
Important! Once you click Finish after uploading documents, the Organizer will close and you will need to contact the office to have us reopen it for you. (We don't mind, but we want you to understand the process so you don't get frustrated!)
Paper Organizers - if you received a paper Organizer, you can continue the process as you always have and ignore these instructions.
Frequently Asked Questions
I signed an engagement letter last year, do I need to sign again this year?
Yes, we require a new signed engagement letter each year. If married filing jointly both spouses must sign the Engagement Letter.
I prefer to fill out a paper organizer, how can I print a copy?
After you open the SafeSend organizer, click “complete organizer”, then click the download icon in the top right. Or call the office at 708-386-0600 and we will be happy to send a copy to you.
Can I start the organizer and come back to it later?
Yes! To save your work, click the “Save & Close” button in the bottom right corner.
Where will my Access Code be sent?
If you have a mobile phone in your profile then your access code will be sent to your phone, otherwise it will go to your email. If you're having issues please contact Liz at [email protected] or 708-386-0600.
Can I access the organizer at the same time as my spouse?
While the program allows both taxpayer and spouse to access the organizer simultaneously, we do not recommend it. If both parties make changes, it will only retain what the last person saves.
What type of files can I attach?
We prefer PDF files of your tax documents, but can also accept JPEG, Word, and Excel files. If you attach a JPEG photo image, make sure it is legible.
I finished uploading source documents, what is the difference between “Complete Later” and “Finish”?
When you have completed the organizer and uploaded your source documents, you will be given two options. Select “Finish” if you are confident that you have submitted all your tax documents and are ready for us to prepare your return. “Finish” will lock your organizer and you will not be able to make changes or add more files. Select “Save & Close” if you are waiting on additional documents.
What Internet Browser should I use?
For the best experience, we recommend using Google Chrome. It will also work with Safari, Firefox, as well as other browsers, but we strongly discourage using Internet Explorer while using SafeSend. SafeSend does not work well with Internet Explorer.
I don’t have a scanner. What should I do?
You can use the camera on your phone or iPad to take pictures of documents and then upload them. Please be sure the documents are adequately lit and on a flat contrasting surface for best results.
I completed uploading documents but have additional files to send, what should I do?
Contact us at [email protected] to have your organizer unlocked, allowing you to submit more documents.